JURNAL MANAJEMEN KULINER https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp <p>JURNAL MANNER ini merupakan singkatan dari Jurnal Manajemen Kuliner, diterbitkan PUSLITABMAS - BATAM TOURISM POLYTECNIC dan dikelolah oleh Program Studi Manajemen Kuliner Pariwisata. Semua penelitian dalam artikel yang akan diterbitkan melalui Jurnal Manner. Jurnal Manner ini berkaitan erat dengan pengembangan kuliner berbasis kearifan lokal. Frekuensi penerbitan semua tulisan akan dilakukan sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun yakni bulan <strong>Februari</strong> dan <strong>Agustus</strong>.</p> <p>dx.doi.org/10.59193/jurnalmanner</p> en-US [email protected] (Miratia Afriani, MH) [email protected] (Eva Amalia, M.Si) Thu, 07 Mar 2024 18:50:49 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PENERAPAN TEKNIK MENU ENGINEERING DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENJUALAN DAN KEUNTUNGAN PADA HOTEL SWISSBELL HARBOURBAY BATAM https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/236 <p>The objective of this research is to investigate the application of Menu Engineering techniques in improving sales and profits at Swiss-Bell Harbourbay Batam Hotel. The research employs a qualitative methodology, utilizing data collection techniques such as interviews, observations, and strategic analysis using menu engineering. The menu analysis, conducted through menu engineering, revealed a total of 61 food items at Swiss-Café Swiss-Bell Harbourbay Batam, categorized into stars, puzzles, plowhorses, and dogs. Among these, 15 food items fall under the stars classification, constituting 25 of the total menu items. The stars category represents a blend of high menu variety and the highest contribution margin, featuring food items from the Swiss Café. Furthermore, the dogs classification comprises 28 menu items, constituting 46 of the total, indicating the highest quantity among all categories.</p> Reagan Ferdinand, Eryd Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 Eryd Saputra https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/236 Wed, 13 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Inovasi Kue Talam dengan Tepung Almond https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/235 <p>The background of this research is the innovation of modified talam products using almond flour. In the culinary world, product innovation is a factor supporting the progress of a culinary product so that it follows its target market. With product innovation, new products can be created that can attract new consumers and meet consumer needs. In this study, the authors will compare the use of almond flour in platters in 4 types, namely 100, 75, and 50 of almond flour in talam. The research method that the writer uses is descriptive qualitative, where the writer will write down the facts that are appropriate when the writer is conducting the research and the technique of collecting data is done by means of observation, interviews and literature studies. The author identifies the problems into 3 main points of discussion, namely the influence of aroma, taste, shape and texture of the product. Second, consumer acceptance and third, the right formulation. This research was conducted by the author through the author's house and the location of the panelists when the author met. In the results of the temporary research that the author got, the use of almond flour in the talam gives a unique taste to the talam. Research will continue to be carried out by the author until all the required data has been collected.</p> <p> </p> Rachmat Astiana, Deswina Maha Tiarani Copyright (c) 2024 Rachmat Astiana, Deswina Maha Tiarani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/235 Wed, 13 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PEMANFAATAN UBI JALAR PADA PEMBUATAN CHEESE CAKE SEBAGAI OPTIMALISASI BAHAN PANGAN LOKAL https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/231 <p>Cheese cake is a type of dessert that has high interest among the public because it has a soft, tasty and light taste and texture when eaten. Apart from that, it is also easy to produce yourself industrially or at home because the ingredients are easy to obtain and process. Making cheese cake is fast. However, different from existing products on the market, the product that will be developed this time is cheese cake with the substitution of wheat flour as the main ingredient for sweet potato flour. In the future, it is hoped that this product can become one of the innovations for several cheese cake variants so that it has value or added value even though it uses local food ingredients so that it can help local farmers and communities producing sweet potato flour in order to improve the regional economy so that it can produce contemporary products that are in demand by the general public but has high taste and competitiveness. This sweet potato cheese cake is made by substituting sweet potato as the main ingredient, namely sweet potato flour for the basic dough. Then other core ingredients are added, namely cheese cream, whipped cream or heavy cream, butter, vanilla, salt, milk and egg yolks, accompanied by garnishes or decorations that are suitable for the aesthetics of the desired product. Based on research using the R&amp;D (Research &amp; Development) method, the cheesecake product was developed into a ratio of 50, 75 and 100 with sweet potato flour as a substitute. By carrying out organoleptic testing on 30 sample panelists with a Likert scale of 1 sd 5. The research results obtained an average value for all reference products of 1 and 3 for development products. This shows a very significant and high value for product development, and this innovative product of sweet potato substitute cheese cake has great potential and can be accepted by the public in terms of taste, aroma, texture and color. And it can be used as a snack that is rich in nutrition and nutrients</p> <p> </p> Rattikah Fitrianty Copyright (c) 2024 Rattikah Fitrianty https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/231 Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG KETAN HITAM SEBAGAI PENGGANTI TEPUNG TERIGU PADA PEMBUATAN DIET COOKIES https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/232 <p>Black glutinous rice flour is a staple ingredient for making Indonesian pastries which is widely used by the Indonesian people. The potential of black glutinous rice flour is its very high fiber content which is beneficial in preventing the risk of various types of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and helps facilitate digestion. In this study, researchers used black glutinous rice flour as a substitute for wheat flour. With the use of black glutinous rice flour, it can show the potential value of natural resources and healthier options as a substitute for wheat flour. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference and quality of the level of liking of diet cookies products through organoleptic tests according to predetermined sensory properties. The method used in this research is an experimental method with steps in the form of hedonic quality test and hedonic test. Sensory attributes that are referenced by panelists include color, aroma, taste, texture. Based on data processing and the results of hedonic and hedonic quality tests conducted by 8 trained panelists and 18 moderately trained panelists, it was found that diet cookies products with 40 and 60 black glutinous rice flour were liked both in terms of color, aroma, taste, and texture.</p> Williana Ariani, miratia afriani Copyright (c) 2024 Williana Ariani, miratia afriani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/232 Thu, 07 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EKSPERIMEN INOVASI PEMBUATAN DENDENG MENGGUNAKAN DAUN PEPAYA https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/234 <p>Papaya plant <em>Carica Papaya L </em>is a plant that offers varieties of health benefits for human body. One of those benefits are; rich in vitamins and minerals, has antioxidants content that is useful in repeling harmful free radicals inside the body, aiding in digestion and maintaining the immune system. Different parts of the papaya plant contain constituents and benefits that can be utilized, namely; the fruit, skin, seeds, leaves and latex. This research aims to determine wheter there are differences in the quality of papaya leaf dendeng substitution concerning aroma, taste, texture and color based on the preference of the panelist. This research uses the method of experimental qualitative. The data analysis technique employed in this research involves organoleptic test that is divided into two categories; hedonic test and hedonic quality test. The respondents in this reasearch comprise 5 trained panelists and 8 slightly trained panelists. The results that is gained from the panelist assassments are then processed using SPSS 23 One-Way Anova and DMRT. The processed data that has been collected shows there are no significant differences in the aroma, taste, texture and color aspects of the papaya leaf dendeng. The results of the panelist satisfaction level in this experiment is that they liked the papaya leaf dendeng in terms of aroma, taste, texture and color.</p> Rosie Oktavia Puspita Rini, Attari Luthfiah Copyright (c) 2024 Rosie Oktavia Puspita Rini, Attari Luthfiah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/234 Thu, 07 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Eksperimen Penambahan Puree Ubi Ungu Dalam Pembuatan Yoghurt Sari Kacang Hijau https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/233 <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan produk minuman fermentasi sari kacang hijau yang memiliki sifat organoleptik yang dapat diterima oleh konsumen serta pengaruh penambahan <em>puree</em> ubi ungu terhadap karakteristik <em>yoghurt</em> sari kacang hijau. Dari segi sosial untuk mengurangi penggunaan susu sapi, peneliti memanfaatkan pengolahan kacang hijau yang berlimpah di Batam sebagai salah satu alternatif bahan baku pada <em>yoghurt</em>, sari kacang hijau kaya akan nutrisi yang hampir sama dengan susu sapi dan harganya relatif lebih ekonomis jika dibandingkan dengan susu sapi. Penambahan <em>puree</em> ubi ungu dengan perbandingan 5, 20, dan 35 pada <em>yoghurt</em> sari kacang hijau. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket tertutup dengan 20 panelis gabungan yang terdiri dari 10 panelis terlatih dan 10 panelis tidak terlatih. Cara menganalisisnya dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS 26 dan metode uji <em>kruskal wallis</em></p> Agung Arif Gunawan, Nicha Resha Copyright (c) 2024 Agung Arif Gunawan, Nicha Resha https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://jurnal.btp.ac.id/index.php/manner-btp/article/view/233 Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700